Amplifying Your Online Presence.

Outstanding Personal Branding Agency

There are almost 5 billion people on social media, so your audience is definitely out there. Building your personal brand is now a must so that you can tap into the social media potential. But the question is how? Well that’s why we are here.

Lady demonstrating a class on a board.

Your Personal Brand Is Your New Asset

We will turn you into a thought leader through social media and PR whilst saving you 10+ hours per week.

Thought Leaders Get:

  • Inbound Leads

  • Inbound Candidates

  • Inbound Podcast Invites

  • Inbound Investors

  • Inbound PR Opportunities

  • Inbound Speaking Gigs

  • "A staggering 77% of consumers prefer to purchase from a brand they recognize".

    ~ Forbes

  • "Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

    ~ Jeff Bezos

  • "It’s important to build a personal brand because it’s the only thing you’re going to have. Your reputation online, and in the new business world is pretty much the game, so you’ve got to be a good person. You can’t hide anything, and more importantly, you’ve got to be out there at some level."

    ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

  • "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are."

    ~ Oscar Wilde

  • "People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic."

    ~ Seth Godin

💬 Here’s a MSG from the Founders For You

"I fully believe in your personal brand and your vision, even when sometimes you don't. I admit, it can be daunting sharing your story online.

However, storytelling is one of the best ways to get people to resonate with you, which leads to you generating inbound opportunities and building yourself a digital asset."

~ Calvin Robinson - Co Founder at Calzen Unlimited

"The perfect time doesn't exist, youll always be able to list multiple excuses to not start but that is probably the best time for you to take the leap right into the deep end. At least with us by your side we can show you how to swim, not drown, in the ever changing world of social media."

~ Zennor Robinson - Co Founder at Calzen Unlimited

Real Personal Branding Is Not About Vanity Metrics. (Sorry Gurus)

Our Services

Person struggling with social media.

Does social media feel like a necessary evil to you?

You are a founder and want to stay relevant in the modern world, so of course you turn to social media.

But its true it can be overwhelming and you can ask hundreds of questions:

  • "where do I start?"

  • "what should I post?"

  • "why should people care about what I have to say?"
    The truth is keep it simple and keep it personal.

After all theres no one else truly like you, your personal brand is your USP, so start selling it.

Want to get started or maybe you have started and it's not going well (yet), let's chat and see if we can help you.

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